PERSONAL INFORMATION WE COLLECTWe collect and use the information you provide to administer our Site and provide Tax Services or other products to you. No information collected by us about our customers will be made available to third parties for any reason without first receiving the individual's written permission. To use our tax services you will have to provide your birthday, social security number, employment information, income and tax related data. We use this information only in accordance with applicable laws and in order to provide the tax services you have requested. Except as described herein we do not disclose tax return information to third parties nor use it to market third parties' products and services. You may access and read most material on public pages of NRTAXRETURN.COM without giving us any information that identifies you. However, before you can use our Tax Services (as defined in the User Agreement) on the Site, you have to register with NRTAXRETURN.COM and provide to us your Username, e-mail address, Password, Name and Phone Number. INFORMATION SECURITYNRTAXRETURN.com collects and stores customer information during secure on-line sessions. All information passed between you and the NRTAXRETURN.com server is SSL encrypted. We update and test our security technology on an ongoing basis. We protect your information and prevent any unauthorized access to your information by using industry-standard security methods and procedures. If you feel that your privacy has been violated or abused while a customer of NRTAXRETURN.com, please contact us immediately at . We will take all possible action to correct the problem. ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe give you access to your personal and other tax related information in our database. You can view and in some cases update your personal information and tax related data in our database by visiting the following URL: https://secure670.sectorlink.com/nrtaxreturn/sec/myaccount.aspx. Please contact us immediately if you believe that any of the information is incorrect at . INAPPLICABILITY OF PRIVACY POLICIES OF ANY LINKED SITES OR OTHER THIRD PARTIESThis Privacy Statement only covers NRTaxReturn.com use and disclosure of your personal information. NRTaxReturn.com is not responsible for the privacy practices of any third parties or the content of linked sites, although we encourage you to read any applicable privacy policies of such parties or websites. CONDITIONS OF USE, NOTICES AND CHANGESBy using this Site you agree to the terms and conditions in our Privacy Policy and User Agreement (the terms and conditions of which are hereby incorporated by reference). It is our goal to make our policies easy to understand. While we try to maintain consistent policies between our privacy statement and our user agreement, there may be a case where the two policies conflict. In those rare instances, the User Agreement shall be the controlling document. Because our business changes over time, this Privacy Statement and the User Agreement are expected to change. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Statement and User Agreement at any time, for any reason. Should we need to change this Privacy Statement, we will post the pending change on top of the Privacy Statement at our website for 30 days prior to the effective date of the new Privacy Statement. You should check the Site frequently to see the current Privacy Statement in effect and any changes that may have been made to it. The use of your information is subject to the Privacy Statement and User Agreement in effect at the most recent time of use. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy practices. |